We are excited to share that following our recent Ofsted inspection in July, Great Park Academy has been rated as a Good Provider overall. This was our school's first Ofsted inspection, and we are thrilled to achieve an Outstanding rating in two out of four categories: Behaviour and Attitudes, and Personal Development.
The full inspection report can be found below. It highlights that we have created an environment where students thrive both personally and academically, which is a source of great pride for us. The report also recognises the efforts of our school leaders in establishing a unique school identity and acknowledges the positive impact of our practical science focus days, which make use of laboratory facilities within our trust.
During the inspection, our students represented the school admirably, confidently responding to questions from the Ofsted inspectors. We would like to express our gratitude to them. The report also notes that inspectors found our students to be polite and respectful. We are pleased to see positive feedback from our students and the observations from Ofsted reflected in the report.
"Pupils show high levels of respect for each other and adults. They behave well in lessons and act maturely around school, including at social times. They have pride in their school and are excited about how the school will develop as it grows in size and moves to its permanent home."
"Pupils enjoy coming to school. Attendance is very high."
"Adults know how to get the best out of each individual pupil. Pupils who need it receive highly effective support."
"Pupils achieve very highly, including in the end of Year 6 national curriculum tests."
"Pupils benefit greatly from an exceptional personal development programme."
"Behaviour in lessons and around school is exemplary. Lessons are free from disruption. Pupils get along well with each other."
"In mathematics and English, pupils, including those with SEND, achieve highly in their end of Year 6 national curriculum tests."
The report also provides valuable feedback and highlights the steps needed to move our school forward to achieve excellence, which we strive to achieve. However, the happiness of our pupils in their learning journey and their academic development remains our top priority at Great Park Academy.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the entire school community, including students, staff, and our parents/carers. Everyone has made an enormous effort, and we appreciate your continued support.
Katherine Billingsley