
Remote Learning

Information for parents and pupils in the event that school will need to provide lessons remotely.

Information for parents and pupils in the event that school will need to provide lessons remotely.


Staff will communicate with pupils via their school Office 365 email account. This account can be accessed by logging in at Office 365 Login and using the school username and secure passwords.

At the start of each day, a timetable will be provided for each Year Group. Lesson times will mirror the normal school day. Each day will begin with a tutor teams call giving pupils the opportunity to ask questions about the work for the day.

Please see below for an example of how a remote learning timetable may look like.

Remote Learning Example Timetable, Great Park Academy

Pupils should click on the blue hyperlinks which will take them to the resources and instructions to complete the lesson.

Each teacher will provide details about how to submit completed work. This will usually be by sharing an Office 365 document with the class teacher.

Additional online resources to support with remote learning can be found at:

BBC Bitesize

Oak Academy - Pupil Learning

Pupils can access work via mobile devices, laptops and desktops. If you require paperwork, please contact