At Great Park Academy, we aim to foster enthusiastic and confident mathematicians. We celebrate our triumphs in learning – nurturing the development of a logical and methodical mindset in order to provide students with the tools to help them understand the world. 
Building a strong foundation in maths is embedded in developing children’s confidence, problem solving and critical thinking skills. As a school, we understand the importance of fluency and take part in varied and frequent arithmetic practice such as arithmetic starters and session, times table challenges, monthly maths challenges and super learning days. These activities have allowed pupils to develop problem solving skills, deepened understanding and further their ability to recall and apply knowledge quickly and confidently, both in familiar and new situations.
This page will be updated throughout the year with our exciting maths challenges and events. Below you can read information about our ‘Minds on Math’ and ‘Times Table’ challenges and a summary of the several Maths activities throughout the year.
Maths Detective Challenge

Maths Detective Challenge

Based on the success and feedback from our Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning Competition, students at Great Park asked if they could participate in more maths competitions. In response, we have implemented a termly math challenge. Each term, children will be introduced to a new challenge that requires logic and problem-solving in real-world contexts. All entries should be submitted via the Maths Detective wall. Parents are encouraged to put on their thinking caps and give these challenges a go with their child!

Maths and English Easter Egg Challenge

The Easter Egg Challenge is back! Over the course of 4 weeks, children will have been receiving raffles for pupils, who have been contributing in lessons, making progress and showing a positive attitude in their learning. At the end of each week, teacher draws out a name from the maths basket; the winner will receive an Easter Egg. Children have enjoyed earning their entries and anticipate the weekly draw!

Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning Competition

Two teams from Great Park enjoyed representing the school in its first ever Maths Reasoning and Problem Solving Competition held at Newcastle School for Boys. Children worked collaboratively and competed against other schools to apply their mathematical knowledge in real life situations. Children relished the day so much that they have they have requested more Maths competitions and would like to challenge both parents and teachers!
Maths Challenge

Arithmetic Sessions

Children at Great Park look forward to participating in our weekly arithmetic sessions. Children enjoy these sessions as they are able to work collaboratively with their classmates and year group by participating in carousels, maths learning games and challenges. Working towards their learning goals, children are able to experience small wins and celebrate them with their peers.


Every Tuesday morning, children receive personalised learning time in Maths. Children are grouped into small learning groups based on the needs and targets of each child. Children work in small groups with a teacher to receive teaching input that is needed.

Maths Super Learning Day

Maths Super Learning Day has landed at Great Park Academy.
The children zoomed off into their stations to learn about the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Displaying exceptional resiliency and teamwork skills, the Year 5 and 6 students practiced their arithmetic skills through a range of learning activities and games; consequently, boosting their confidence in their mathematical ability.
Well done everyone!
Maths Long Term Plan

Times Tables Challenge

Children participate in 'Fast Maths' twice a week. In this activity, children have to answer as many times table questions as they can within four minutes. The aim is to beat their previous score by answering more questions correctly or completing the task in less time. If a child improves their score, they are awarded a gold star. These gold stars can then be collected and exchanged for a small prize.

To aid in the retention of multiplication facts, GPA has introduced Times Table Rockstars. It has been very popular among children, who are excited to use the platform. On TT Rockstars, children can compete with other classes to recall their times tables quickly.