

Passionate readers, confident writers, fluent rhetoricians, and independent thinkers, English at Great Park Academy aims to inspire, challenge and stimulate your child. Building a deep understanding of the stories, poems and plays that shape and reflect our shared culture, in KS3 English your child will go on a journey from the earliest myths and epics to contemporary poetry and novels. 

We are unashamedly focused on literature and the power of reading as the foundation for our English curriculum. By creating confident readers our pupils will be able to access the whole Great Park Academy curriculum more effectively and prepare for success in any subject: Maths or RS; Science or Art, DT or PE. Our curriculum has been designed to complement topics being studied in History, PSHCE and RE, supporting an understanding of how all their subjects are related. 



Every unit has one focus text supported by a range of drama, non-fiction texts, poetry, prose fiction and short stories. These texts are the springboard for reading in all its forms, structured discussion, and a range of writing activities – including analytical and creative writing. We aim to demonstrate how the English language works, on and off the page, and that pupils can use this understanding to communicate effectively. 

Through regular assessment we check for gaps in knowledge and understanding and can take immediate action to support struggling pupils. We provide support to all pupils to ensure they can access the texts we are studying, to ensure they are fluent readers and that they write legibly and neatly. 



We aim to stretch every pupil, help them realise the high level of texts they can read to provide them with the tools to make their voices heard in written and spoken English, and give them strong foundations for the best possible GCSE outcomes.