
KS3 Science Curriculum

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” wrote Sir Isaac Newton in a 1675 letter to Robert Hooke. Great Park Academy offers an ambitious and wide-ranging curriculum encompassing the greatest, most foundational scientific knowledge and scientific skills, enabling our pupils to understand their place in the Universe and be prepared for related future study and careers.

KS3 Science Curriculum and Support

  • Science, Our Three I's

    Our Three I's

    Learn about our Science curriculum intent, implementation and how we measure the impact.

    Our Three I's
  • Science Learning Journeys

    Learning Journeys

    Here you can view our Science Learning Journeys, including journeys for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

    Learning Journeys
  • Love of Science

    Love of Science

    Here you will find a selection of recommended reading materials to support your child's learning and love of Science.

    Love of Science